July 8

Unlocking the Search Ranking Gate with Amazon Keywords

I wrote and published this blog post for Mash Stories. 
See the original post here.

booksAmazon keywords: they can be the bane of a writer’s existence. By virtue of the word they seem as though mastering them would unlock the secret to getting your book on the first page of an Amazon search. The cold hard truth is that only high sales can boost your book to the top of the list, but without the proper use of keywords you’re doomed. Knowing what keywords to use and how to use them can boost your unknown, low-sale book from search page 1,000 to search page 15. Screwing up your keywords will leave you mired in the deep dark swamp of other books. The best thing you can do to prevent this is to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible before committing to these little nuggets of information.

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May 20

Social Media for the Introverted Self-Publisher

I wrote and published this blog post for Mash Stories. 
See the original post here.

ReadBookYou’ve poured your blood, sweat, and tears into your writing and you’re finally ready to unleash it onto the world. It’s a nerve-wracking experience, offering up your work to the volatile public masses. You never know how someone is going to like what you’ve done, or how mean they’ll be if they give it the thumbs down. On the flip side, receiving those gushing e-mails professing love for everything you set pen to is a true writer’s high.

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April 22

The Pros and Cons of Serializing Your Novel

I wrote and published this blog post for Mash Stories. 
See the original post here.

Screen Shot 2015-04-22 at 11.35.46 AMIt might be hard to imagine these days, but long before people gathered around the TV, they gathered around the radio to listen to the latest episode of whatever was popular at the time. Even harder to believe is that long before radio the public clamoured around newsstands to pick up the latest “episode” of serial fiction. In fact, some of the classic literature we still read today was initially serialized. Big names like Charles Dickens, Alexandre Dumas, and Harriet Beecher Stowe published their novels in serial format.

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