November 26



You can win an electronic copy of Dormaine’s book Madame Lilly, Voodoo Priestess Vol 1 two ways.

Way one: Tweet your love for Dormaine. Use #DormaineG – One lucky winner will be chosen to win a free eBook from the tweets.

Way two: Get the free CRYPT APP and comment on Dormaine’s post! – One lucky winner will be chosen to win a free eBook from the comments.

me and SabMadameLilly

Dormaine G. introduces herself:

I may be a nurse by profession but I’m an author by heart. I have been writing stories for many years, both in my head and on paper because I’ve always had a love for books ever since spending Saturdays at the library as a young child. Within a book, the mind can travel to wondrous worlds of the imagination and beyond. I finally took the plunge and published my first novel last year, a young adult urban fantasy titled “Connor” and an adult horror short story titled “Madame Lilly, Voodoo Priestess”. Both are the first editions of many to come as I stay locked up in my office in Colorado spinning more tales.


Q:  Tell us a little about the projects you have going right now.

A:  I’m a busy little bee. Right now I’m working on a book titled Micco – Anguta’s Reign a mystery/thriller involving the supernatural; Madame Lilly, The Time of Sanura (Volume 3) a historical fiction horror, and Connor: Revealed a young adult urban fantasy.


Q:  Is your writing based on people you know, or events in your own life?

A:  Honestly, I don’t know where my writing comes from. The ideas just pop into my head so, I run with them. I like to imagine a fantasy world or idea then build from there. So no, I don’t write based on real people or events although some say my character Connor is similar to me since she is extremely sarcastic.
Q:  What inspired you to get into the horror genre?

A: My soul within. Seriously, writing horror just feels right to me. It takes a lot to frighten me so the dark element has always interested me. I’m the first one in the haunted house, I leave the lights off while watching television or will watch a scary movie by myself. When I read or watch horror, I always crave more. It’s internal.


Q:  Have you always been interested in horror?

A:  Absolutely yes! When I was young, I remember sneaking out of bed to watch The Exorcist. It was scary but I loved it. I was amazed that a child, played by Linda Blair, was the star in a scary movie. I was officially hooked on the horror train. I would watch Freddy Krueger, Halloween, The Thing, Angel Heart– great concept, anything Sci-Fi or horror based.


Q:  What do you love most about writing horror?

A:  How morbid and twisted I can get while delivering a credible storyline. I like that I can be dramatic and dark delving into the imagination where it’s limitless.


Q:  Is there anything you find particularly challenging when writing for horror fans?

A:  Not going too sadistic although Madame Lilly is seriously dark so others may disagree. The necessary urge to pull back can be quite challenging at times.


Q:  Where do you stand on the gore factor?

A:  I’m open to gore but as long at its not all gore and no substance. You have to make the gore believable. I love blood and guts as much as the next person but I need more than that.


Q:  Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

A:  My favorite is Kelly Armstrong because she is so versatile in her writing and has the ability to suck me right in. Her characters are diverse, strong, and compelling, then add the dysfunction with a great storyline makes for a great read.


Q:  What books and movies have influenced your life most?

A:  A book titled “Meet the Austins” which is not at all horror but they were a dysfunctional family that prevailed in the end. It taught me no matter how hard life is someone always has it worse and you can survive through anything. “Alien” & “Aliens” starring Sigourney Weaver which showed me that women are strong and that it is okay to stand alone. There is an inner strength in all of us.

Q:  What book are you reading now?

A:  I am reading both Samaria by Jaxx Summer and The Shelf by Kish Knight.


 Q:  What movie do you most want to watch in your Netflix queue?

A:  I repeatedly watch Alien, Aliens and Alien vs. Predator. I cannot put one above the other.


Q:  Can you share your experience as a female writer in a male dominated genre?

A:  This is a male dominated world of critics and editors and I feel men have a tendency to scratch each other’s backs. I feel I must work harder than males in order to be taken seriously.


Q:  Can you share a little of your current work with us, give the readers a taste for blood?

A:  I’m writing a mystery, thriller & suspense novella titled Micco- Angusta’s Reign involving the supernatural. It’s about a man name Micco who wakes up one morning in a house covered in dead bodies. The place is unfamiliar to him and he doesn’t remember anything from the night before. Not wanting to be involved, he flees the scene but being the lead cop in a small town he caught the case working beside the head detective. From there it takes on a maddening world of oddities and revelations.
Q:  Do you have any advice for other horror writers?

A:  Grow a thick skin. People are not always going to care for your work so if writing is something that you truly want to do then write for yourself and not as others want you to.


Q:  Where can fans reach you and buy your books?

A:  Please feel free to reach out to me on my various sites.



Facebook: dormaineg (Dormaine Gallegos)

Amazon Author page :


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Posted November 26, 2014 by admin in category "eBooks", "On The Craft Of Writing", "This n' That", "Women In Horror