April 22

The Pros and Cons of Serializing Your Novel

I wrote and published this blog post for Mash Stories. 
See the original post here.

Screen Shot 2015-04-22 at 11.35.46 AMIt might be hard to imagine these days, but long before people gathered around the TV, they gathered around the radio to listen to the latest episode of whatever was popular at the time. Even harder to believe is that long before radio the public clamoured around newsstands to pick up the latest “episode” of serial fiction. In fact, some of the classic literature we still read today was initially serialized. Big names like Charles Dickens, Alexandre Dumas, and Harriet Beecher Stowe published their novels in serial format.

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February 18

Blood, sweat, and tears.

I(heart)It’s no secret that I used to work at Starbucks. I actually enjoyed my experience there and found it was a great and supportive environment. Schedules were flexible and the staff was filled with students and artists. It was a great job for someone who had quit a more lucrative position with the intention of focusing on writing.

What blew me away during my time there was the amount of money people would spend on their specialty coffee drinks. It was normal to see the same people every day, if not several times a day, spending five, six, and seven dollars a drink. Over, and over, and over. And that’s not even to mention the promotions we’d have. The staff dreaded the lines out the door for BOGO offers and half off sales. Customers would often go nuts, spending more than they would in a regular day because they got a deal. It’s no wonder Starbucks stock kept rising!
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January 21

DISEASE invades libraries!

I’m happy to announce that those of you who live in Halifax, Nova Scotia will soon be able to check out a copy of my novel DISEASE from your local library! How cool is that? Super cool.

I’m a huge fan of libraries, I practically grew up my hometown’s local library. There’s no better vision of society’s greatness than a vast and varied collection of literature offered to the public for free. Well, okay, not FREE, FREE, because our taxes pay for it, but what a great investment for the taxpayer. Not to get all political, but I think local libraries are an amazing public service.
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January 13


Bleeding PenI hope you all had an amazing holiday season. I took the opportunity to take an extended break from all things writing related. This also meant stepping back from my horror fan feed that I run though Facebook, Google+, The Crypt App, and Twitter. The fan feed, Monster Haüs, was meant to be a combination of horror fan-centric posts and personal writing posts, but increasingly I felt that the fan side of things was encroaching on my life.
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November 26



You can win an electronic copy of Dormaine’s book Madame Lilly, Voodoo Priestess Vol 1 two ways.

Way one: Tweet your love for Dormaine. Use #DormaineG – One lucky winner will be chosen to win a free eBook from the tweets.

Way two: Get the free CRYPT APP and comment on Dormaine’s post! – One lucky winner will be chosen to win a free eBook from the comments.
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November 24


Cover_SmallMy novel DISEASE has racked up another 5 star review! “Top notch… Disease drew me in and held me captive.” – Dormaine G. I’m so excited. Slowly but surely the word is getting out. It’s a tough slog, but worth it when so many people have told me how much they enjoyed my novel. It’s not just any zombie story, it a story about humanity, and the darkness that lives between us. Read Dormaine’s review HERE. Pick up a copy of the book HERE.


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